

Guide to Italian Stepchild Adoption

The stepchild adoption has existed since 1983 with Law no. 184. However, the application of the law was limited only to heterosexual couples. Law  no.184 permits the adoption of the biological child of one of the spouses. In particular, this adoption requires the following elements: The consent of the biological parent; The consent of the […]

Italian Court on overnights with the father

On September the 5th, the Court of Trieste disregarded the requests of a mother who, while not questioning the shared custody of the child, did not want the minor to spend the nights with the other parent, until the minor would be four years old. In detail, according to the judges, the child custody must […]

Separated Parents: Can Siblings Be Separated?

Placing children with two different family members: can it be done? Here’s what the jurisprudence says. If a couple separates, could the judge decide to place one child with the mother and one with the father? Before answering the question, a brief introduction is necessary, since there is often confusion between the custody of children […]

Shared custody: distance is not an obstacle

The mere distance between the homes of the two parents does not represent an obstacle to shared custody. The fact that the father has not paid the child support cannot lead, alone, to a judgment of inadequacy to fulfill his parental role. For exclusive custody, in fact, both the judgment of adequacy of the custodial […]

“Almost perfect” shared placement between the parents

child custody

Sample Text Shared custody, according to law no. 54/2006 is the rule, but it is rarely applied in an “almost perfect” way as the Court of Genoa did with the decree of April 29, 2022. Fully satisfied with the decision, the defender of the father highlights the victory of the little girl in this case, […]