

Under Italian Law, domestic violence is defined as any form of physical, psychological, sexual or economic violence and it concerns both individuals who have had or intend to have an intimate relationship as a couple, and individuals who within a family nucleus more or less extended have relationships of a parental or affective nature.

Domestic violence is regulated by the Italian Criminal Code in various ways.

In fact, domestic violence manifests itself in various forms and can be both vertical and horizontal: both between adults and between adults and children.

The characteristic feature of domestic violence is the presence of a power play, in which the abuse consists of the violence perpetrated to take and maintain control over the victim.
These conditions of abuse can range from the economic sphere to the personal and psychological sphere of the victim.

One of these types of violence can be assisted violence: the psychological and/or physical and daily abuse of the child by the parents. In Italy, assisted violence has been recognized and determines an increase in the punishment of the crime of mistreatment in the family.

Moreover, the spread of this family violence has led to the recent introduction of legislation on the violation of family assistance obligations in case of separation or divorce (Legislative Decree no. 21/2018).

VGS Lawyers can help you in the legal protection dedicated to domestic and family violence in all its forms, which the Italian law protects for example as follows: 

  1. Violation of family assistance obligations (Art. 570)
  2. Abuse of means of correction or discipline (Art. 571)
  3. Mistreatment of children and family members (Art. 572)
  4. Beating (Art. 581)
  5. Personal injury (Art. 582)
  6. Sexual violence (Art. 609-bis)
  7. Private violence (Art. 610)
  8. Stalking (Art. 612)

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