

Principle of double parenthood and spouses’ responsibility

Within divorce or separation contexts, minors’ interest constitutes the most relevant aspect to take into consideration. In fact, minor’ wellbeing and education is actually deemed higher than spouses’ personal or economic interests. According to Italian Jurisdiction, the best manner to achieve children wellbeing is preserving minors’ relationship with both parents.   The double parenthood principle […]

Does spouse’s conflict affect shared custody regime in Italy?

Separation and divorce constitute the unfortunate consequence of marriage and marital relationship. Then, in the previous cases, family law points out a set of measures and processes that shall be undertaken with the purpose of protecting the children. In this context, custody regimes and visiting rights represent important steps to carry out in the interest […]

Italian shared custody and Covid-19

2020 pandemic is still affecting society’s main life aspects. Contractual uncertainty is impacting global business relationships while employments agreements are jeopardised by the upcoming economic crisis. In this context, child custody regimes might be impacted by covid-19. In particular, how the covid-19 is able to affect spouses’ visiting rights especially when they are have not […]

Child support in Italy: when is it objectively impossible?

According to Italian Family Law, child support is a periodic payment made by a spouse for the financial benefit of a child following the end of a marriage or other type of relationship. The most relevant aspect is that child support priority is child’s wellbeing and his support after the end of a marriage or […]

The Italian alternating child custody regime: a brief guide

“Child custody” term consists of the legal custody and the physical custody of the child. In particular, the right to make decision about child’s life and the right and duty to house and care the child constitute the legal meaning of child custody. Usually, married couples retain both legal and physical custody of their children. […]